Internal Branding Processes in a Fashion Organization: Turning Employees into Brand Ambassadors
internal branding, brand ambassadors, salesperson brand identification, frontline employees, fashion brands, competitivenessAbstract
This research aims to empirically examine the internal branding processes implemented by a global sports fashion firm to turn all employees into competent brand ambassadors. Brand-oriented training was hypothesized as an antecedent of salesperson brand identification and brand commitment, which drive brand-aligned behavior, the critical trait of employee brand ambassadors. These hypotheses were tested by surveying 141 corporate and retail employees of a global sportswear fashion brand's regional operations in Mexico. The principal conclusion is that brand-oriented training proves a significant driver of salesperson brand identification. Furthermore, brand identification drives brand commitment and brand-aligned behavior among all company employees, not just salespersons.References
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Copyright (c) 2024 Enrique Murillo, Teresa Sádaba, Pedro Mir-Bernal, Antonia Terán-Bustamante, Oziel López-Sánchez

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Mercados y Negocios by Department of Mercadotecnia y Negocios Internacionales. University of Guadalajara is licensed under a License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.
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