Current Issue

Full Issue
Directors' Letter
Economic and Financial Index
Mercados y Negocios is an open-access quarterly journal whose issues are published on the first day of January, May, and September. Published research articles are accepted through double-blind review by international peers, mainly from outside the University of Guadalajara.
The objective of Mercados y Negocios is to disseminate and encourage the discussion of results and advances in research on markets and business as phenomena of study for competitiveness.
Mercados y Negocios does not charge authors a fee for submitting their manuscripts, nor does it charge fees for publishing articles (no APC—Article Publishing Charges).
Mercados y Negocios appears in the LATINDEX 2.0 catalog, in the Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR), in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), in Dialnet, in three EBSCO databases (Business Source Corporate Plus; Business Source Ultimate and Fuente Académica Plus), Scopus, Sistema de información Científica-Redalyc, CLASE-Biblat, Scielo-Mexico, the Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge (Redib) and The Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources of UNESCO.
This journal, following the policy of the University of Guadalajara, is included in the golden route, providing free access to its published contents with internationally recognized standards in terms of interoperability, quality, and efficiency in managing the editorial process.