Omnichannel Marketing Model Applied at the Shopping Centers in Medellín City
Omnichannel marketing; omniclient; consumer journey; shopping centers; retail; online; offline.Abstract
The main objective of this research is to form an omnichannel marketing model applied at the shopping centers in Medellín city. For this, a qualitative methodology was applied. Two (2) focus groups with shopping center customers, two (2) in-depth interviews with experts in Omnichannel, Sandiego Shopping Center case study, and a theoretical review were carried out to obtain the fundamental components of the omnichannel marketing model applied to this category. The model is proposed in a circular structure, made up of orbits that revolve around the Omni-client. The model is made up of the consumer's journey, from 5A; the levels of transparency, coherence, and fluidity based on: (+) Greater consistency = (+) Greater loyalty; and the levels of online and offline interaction, which are transversal in the entire proposal of the model.References
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Mercados y Negocios by Department of Mercadotecnia y Negocios Internacionales. University of Guadalajara is licensed under a License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.
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