Determinants of Receptivity Towards Entomophagy among Young Adults



Palabras clave:

Entomofagia, Alimentos sustenibles, Alimentos alternativos


This research focuses on understanding the factors influencing the acceptance of entomophagy in Morelia, Michoacán. The study involves a survey aimed at two distinct groups of young adults aged 18 to 29 (control and experimental), a demographic known for being open to evolving food preferences. The results revealed interesting differences in preferences between individuals who have and have not tried insect-based foods. Surprisingly, the price did not emerge as a dominant influencing factor. The study suggests entomophagy can be a viable and accepted dietary option when relevant information is easily accessible, potentially reducing neophobia levels.


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Cómo citar

Ortiz Paniagua, C. F., Bautista Hernández, M. Ángel, & Lerch López , P. . (2024). Determinants of Receptivity Towards Entomophagy among Young Adults . Mercados Y Negocios, (53), 81–98.